「PCtransfer」是IObit的最新力作,它的主要目的是將資料備份起來,並復原到新電腦中,而且支援各援Windows XP、7、8,意思是說如果以後想要重灌電腦的話,可以藉由這個工具先把重要的資料備份起來,然後再復原回去,或者把資料備份到另一台電腦中,像類似的工作這個工具都可以勝任的,在舉一個比較實際的例子,前陣子微軟已經公布在2014.04.08要終止Windows XP的支援,所以若我們想要把XP上的資料移轉到新作業系統中,那麼PCtransfer就可以派上用場,將XP的資料移轉到Windows 7或8中。
PCtransfer, the best free and portable data transfer assistant for Windows XP, 7, and 8, can easily and securely transfer important documents, files, browser bookmarks, settings, photos, Skype chat record, and emails in Outlook to new Windows system. What’s more, PCtransfer can quickly select and backup third-party programs and settings. You can easily restore programs and data with one click and use them in the new system just as before.
軟體下載:PCtransfer 免安裝版
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